How is the criminal justice system adapting to the coronavirus pandemic?

While all areas of business are affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, essential services such as courts and tribunals must ensure minimal disruption to the lives of the public. The criminal justice system is an integral part of society, and as a result, has had to adapt and adopt new working methods to continue running. 

Author: Keith J Tuck Solicitors

Keith J Tuck has over 30 years experience in criminal defence law in Scotland. He has particular experience defending serious and complex cases, including the longest - and perhaps the most complex - indictment trial ever at Sheriff Court level related to fraud/people trafficking. Keith J Tuck successfully defended the principal accused. He also defended the principal accused in the longest trial ever in Scottish legal history - a complex fraud case at the High Court. Keith J Tuck has an unrivalled commitment to defending individuals who face crisis.

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